The definition of his name is “he who goes above”. Hyperion: Hyperion is the Titan, God of light, father of Selene, the moon and Helios, the Sun. This enhances his existentialist point of view.

Hamlet uses this to show how even a man so powerful could be reduced to nothing but dust. Although he lived like a God, he ended up as nothing. He conveys who Claudius really is and exposes his true personality.Julius Caesar also was potent, more so than a mortal, and his death reduced him to dust, just like what happens to every average mortal.

Julius Caesar died at the hands of those he trusted most and similarly, King Hamlet died because of his trustee, his own blood, his brother, Claudius, which shows how betrayal is a prominent theme in the book.By characterizing the murderers of Julius as greedy and selfish, Shakespeare highlights those characteristics in Claudius. Shakespeare uses the allusion to emphasize betrayal and death. The murderer is decreed as selfish, greedy and jealous who cares more about raising self-status than the wellbeing of the population. It was a murder from the person one would least expect it. In Hamlet, as Caesar dies, he says to his confidant Brutus, who was involved in his murder, “Et tu, Brute?” Caesar’s death, though debatably deserved, is a symbol of betrayal. They murdered him because they believed he was too obsessed with his own importance. Act I, III, V: Julius Caesar/the death of Caesar: Julius Caesar was murdered in his own court, a sanctuary, by his senators or those who were supposedly his friends and on his advisory council.